Activities and add-ons


The suggestions below are mere samples from our extensive program. Contant us for quotes and additional ideas.


That little extra. Finishing touches

Cocktail machines and additional snacks

It won’t take much to add a touch of surprise to your event. Serve cocktails from your own cocktail machine. Add a touch of joy with chocolates in the room on arrival. Include surprising elements such as local entertainment, exciting lectures etc.

We’ll take care of your add-ons. Check out the suggestions below.

Try laser clay pigeon shooting

Lasersport is engaging and fun. The activity requires both concentration and focus.

Everything has a genuine feel. The firearms are real, deactivated 12-hole shotguns. The weapon fires an infrared beam at reflective and reusable clay pigeons. A powerful speaker system ensures realistic bangs when the weapon is fired. Hits are marked by the sound of a clay pigeon breaking. The results are displayed on the board.

Each system consists of five weapons and a scoreboard. As many as five people can shoot at the same targets at the same time. The clay pigeons can be fired from different positions at different speeds and angles. Laser clay pigeon shooting requires approx. 10 × 30 meters of open space.

Put the knowledge to the test with speedquiz

Engage your guests with the original smartphone quiz.

The interactive quiz is hosted using a laptop and played with mobile phones or tablets. The formats include; “Fastest Fingers”, “Buzz in”, “Multiple Choice”, “First Letter of the Answer” etc.

There are two options, with or without Internet connection.
SpeedQuizzing Pro is the original hub-based system which doesn’t require Internet connection and is therefore extremely fast and reliable. SpeedQuizzing Pro has been used in pubs and bars around the world for the past ten years as well as for private events and in education.

SpeedQuizzing Live works over the Internet making it easy to start hosting without the need for a SpeedQuizzing Hub. Perfect when participants are in different locations. It’s ideal for remote quizzing over ZOOM.

Bar concept.
Cocktail machine

Cocktail machine including drinkmix is a perfect option whenever you wish to offer a touch sophistication without hiring a complete bar and a bartender. There is no need to measure or pour. Insert a cocktail capsule, select the desired strength and press mix. The system retrieves liquor from the relevant chamber and mixes the drink in seconds. The cocktail capsules are made by bartenders and mixologists.

You can choose from four mix packs;
Primemix 1 Primemix 2 Primemix 3 Primemix 4

Bar concept.
Vintage bar

Vintage Bar is a converted 50 year old horse trailer. It is practical as well as being a cozy decorative element.

From hot dogs and freshly popped popcorn to beer on tap and wine in bottles, the Vintage Bar is adjusted to your needs. The mobile bar is a natural gathering point and suitable for use both indoors and outside.

These are mere samples.
Get in touch for a tailored program.